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Conspicuity Tapes for Regulated Vehicles and Trailers

Increased visibility for improved safety.

  • 3M reflective conspicuity tape helps improve the visibility and safety of your vehicles and trailers. Conspicuity tape complies with DOT reflectivity, pattern, and vehicle placement standards.

DOT conspicuity tape on truck

Comply With Regulations. Protect Your Vehicles.

  • Government regulations call for conspicuity tape on certain types of vehicles and trailers to help prevent traffic accidents, injuries, and deaths. The NHTSA estimates that, annually, these regulations help prevent between 191 and 350 accidental deaths, up to 5,000 injuries, and 7,800 crashes compared to fleets without conspicuity tape. ¹
    Need reflective tape for daily use? Learn how 3M reflective tape can help you improve the visibility of your unregulated vehicles, equipment, or property.

get 3M conspicuity tape for high-performance and improved visibility
The Ultimate Guide for Vehicle Visibility.

Learn about the regulations and benefits of reflective conspicuity markings.


Conspicuity Applications

  • 3M conspicuous markings on vehicles such as trucks and trailers
    Trucks and Trailers

    3M™ Diamond Grade™ Conspicuity Markings Series 983 are the best “real world” solution to increase a vehicle’s visibility. Here’s why. Starts bright, stays bright - After 2,000 hours of accelerated weathering,* Series 983 showed the smallest change in brightness (<10%)**

    *Xe Arc Test as per ASTM D4956-19 Method 1 **Compared to markings from select manufacturers (DOT-C2 regulated marking colors).
    Regulations for Trucks and Trailers (FMVSS 108)


  • 3M conspicuity marking for freight rail cars
    Freight Rail Cars

    Enhanced visibility down the line. Make your rail cars more visible with 3M™ Diamond Grade™ Rail Car Markings.

    Regulations for Freight Rail Cars (FRA-224)

  • high-visibility vehicle stickers used on school buses can help improve safety for students and drivers on the roads
    School Buses

    Help improve safety for students and motorists. Give your school buses outstanding visibility with 3M™ Diamond Grade™ School Bus Markings.

    Regulations for School Buses (FMVSS 217)

  • high-visibility vehicle stickers are essential for smoother and safer road journeys
    Fire Trucks and Emergency Vehicles

    Retroreflectivity to the rescue. Increase the visibility of your fire trucks, ambulances, police cars and other emergency vehicles with 3M™ Emergency Vehicle Markings.

    Regulations for Fire Trucks and Fire Apparatus (NFPA 1901)

Learn More About 3M Reflective Tape

how to apply and remove conspicuity tape
How Do I Apply and Remove Conspicuity Tape?

3M Conspicuity Tape can help your trucks, trailers and other large vehicles stand out day or night, rain or shine. Easy-to-install and highly visible with bright retroreflectivity at wide angles. Built to last with strong adhesion and durable materials. Keep your trucks and trailers visible for the long haul.     


Additional Resources