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Around the world, cities are growing and urban areas are becoming more densely populated — creating new opportunities and challenges for traffic safety and mobility. 3M is committed to helping city planners and traffic engineers build safer and more efficient complete streets of the future as we work Toward Zero Deaths on urban roads.
As cities become more densely populated, motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, and multimodal transportation users are increasingly asked to share space on roads and sidewalks — resulting in more congestion and potential accidents.
These cost-effective road designs are proven to help calm traffic, reduce conflict points, and protect vulnerable road users.
Intersections present a variety of distractions and hazards for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. Over 50% of fatal and injury crashes happen at or near intersections. Designing more forgiving and more visible intersections can help reduce traffic collisions and save lives.
Increased bike travel offers significant benefits in urban areas, including reduced congestion and better overall health. However, riding a bike in congested urban areas can be hazardous for cyclists. Protected bicycle lanes provide safe, designated space for cyclists and other micromobility users.
Almost 3 out of 4 pedestrian fatalities happen when people try to cross the street mid-block, instead of at intersections. In these areas, motorists are travelling faster and are less aware of pedestrians in the road. Highly visible mid-block crossings help protect vulnerable road users in these high-risk areas.
The U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) promotes infrastructure solutions and strategies to design and build safer roads, including roundabouts, road curve designs, backplates with retroreflective borders, medians and pedestrian crossing islands, and more.
Over the years, many urban roads have expanded from two to four lanes to accommodate increasing vehicle traffic. These wider multilane roads create significant safety hazards for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.
A road diet is an FHWA proven safety countermeasure that recommends removing lanes from multilane roads and using that space for other purposes, including protected bike lanes and curb extensions.
The growing global trend toward urbanization offers significant benefits for citizens, but it also presents challenges for traffic safety and mobility. Learn more about the traffic management issues related to growing urban centers, new approaches to urban mobility and recommendations for designing and building complete streets in urban areas.
For more than 80 years, 3M has engineered traffic safety products that are more visible in a wider range of conditions, more rugged to withstand challenging environments and more versatile to improve road safety in your city infrastructure.
Our retroreflective sheeting for traffic signs and delineators improves visibility and recognition at greater distances. Available in fluorescent colours and ultra-high performance ASTM Type XI materials.
Delineators and barriers guide motorists along with both visual and physical protection for pedestrians and cyclists. Our highly reflective sheeting can help road users see these traffic safety devices in a range of conditions.
Our high-performance markings — including wet retroreflective pavement markings and high-visibility symbols and legends tapes — help communicate important navigational information and guidance to drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians.
Conspicuity tape on large vehicles, buses, and trucks is a proven, cost-effective way to improve the visibility of these vehicles, helping to prevent crashes. Added to bikes, scooters, and motorcycles, conspicuity markings help increase the visibility of these vulnerable road users. To be most effective, conspicuity tapes need to be highly retroreflective at wide angles for nighttime visibility.
Our 3M experts are here to show you cost-effective and easy-to-apply traffic infrastructure solutions that can help you improve traffic safety and mobility.