• Visual Privacy Advisory Council logo

    The Visual Privacy Advisory Council is a group of data privacy and security thought leaders dedicated to raising awareness of this issue and promoting best practices and policies to prevent costly visual hacking attacks.

  • Visual hacker snooping over a wall

    What is visual hacking and why should you care?

    Visual hacking is the act of viewing or capturing sensitive, confidential or private information for unauthorized use. Examples of visual hacking include:

    1. Unauthorized viewing of hard copy documents, computer or mobile device screens - "shoulder surfing" 
    2. Photgraphing screens and physical documents with smartphones
    3. Physical theft of sensitive documents and targeted data

    Organizations spend millions on IT security but often do little to prevent the display of sensitive, proprietary and confidential data in plain sight. Failing to address this vulnerability can put any organization at risk.

Facts about visual hacking

More about the Visual Hacking Experiment

In a recent study, an undercover visual hacker was sent into several participating corporate offices. The results the Visual Hacking Experiment serve as a good reminder of the importance of addressing visual privacy in organizations.

  • Illustration of visual hacking statistic
    Visual hacking is real.

    An undercover visual hacker obtained sensitive information in 88% of the trials.1

  • Illustration of how much information is at risk
    Multiple types of information are at risk.

    An average of 5 pieces of sensitive information were visually hacked per trial1, including corporate financials, and confidential employee and customer information.

  • Illustration of how often visual hackers go unnoticed
    Visual hacking often goes unnoticed.

    The visual hacker went unnoticed or unchallenged by employees 70% of the time.1

  • 1 Ponemon Institute, “3M Visual Hacking Experiment,” 2015, sponsored by 3M and the Visual Privacy Advisory Council.

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VPAC Members 2

  • Chairman & Founder
    The Ponemon Institute

  • Enterprise Chief Privacy Officer
    U.S. Bank

  • Attorney/Mediator & Privacy Counsultant/Expert
    Mari J. Frank Esq. & Associates

  • VP & CISO

  • Manager, Information Security & Compliance

  • President, Healthcare Security and Privacy
    The Marblehead Group

  • 2 The people appearing here are members of the Visual Privacy Advisory Council and receive compensation from 3M in connection with his or her participation on the Visual Privacy Advisory Council.

  • About the Visual Privacy Advisory Council

    The Visual Privacy Advisory Council is a group of data privacy and security thought leaders dedicated to raising awareness of this issue and promoting best practices and policies to prevent costly visual hacking attacks.

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  • Contact VPAC

    Have a question or a media inquiry? We'd love to hear from you to discuss data privacy and security issues further.


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    Follow our LinkedIn page to join the conversation on helping emphasize the importance of visual privacy.

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