3M as one of the companies that give back to the environment

Investing in a more sustainable world.

3M engages in environmental initiatives to make a positive impact on the Earth.

3Mgives invests in initiatives that foster sustainable communities. This includes projects that protect threatened ecosystems, underpin local economies, enhance livelihoods and promote science-based environmental education.


  • Enable key partners to sustainably manage and maintain at-risk habitats
  • Improve economic outcomes for indigenous peoples through green development and the promotion of green livelihoods
  • Increase the number of children receiving quality environmental learning activities

Environmental Program Highlights

  • 3M helps protect the environment through collaborations with Clean Air Asia
    3M and Clean Air Asia Act on Climate Change with New Air Pollution Initiative

    3M has  collaborated with Clean Air Asia, the international non-governmental organization on science-based air quality solutions for New Delhi, India, and Metro Manila, Philippines. This partnership aims to create healthier, more livable cities in Asia, and will ultimately advance the Clean Air Initiative.

    To move toward this goal, 3M will spend the next five years assisting Clean Air Asia in its efforts to assess baseline air quality conditions, design capacity-building programs for air quality management, implement awareness and education campaigns, develop Clean Air Action Plans with selected city and district governments, and measure the resulting impact on air pollution levels.

  • 3M helps care for the environment `by actively supporting Plastic Flamingo project
    Plastic Flamingo Waste Management Project

    3M has pledged its support to the Plastic Flamingo Plastic Waste Management project in the Philippines. 

    The grant to the Plastic Flamingo amounting to Php1,200,000.00 is provided by 3Mgives, 3M’s global social investment arm, to the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP). The grant will provide support for efforts to increase the collection and recycling of plastic, reduce the plastic waste going to and polluting oceans, as well as improve the income from waste-picking as a livelihood.