Perfect-It 1-Step Paint Finishing System abrasives, finishing material, and finishing pads

3M™ Perfect-It™ 1-Step Finishing System Standard Operating Procedure for Spot Repair


3M is excited to introduce our latest generation of premium paint finishing products. Follow this easy process to achieve a defect-free finish.

Paint Finishing - Step by Step

  • Remove defects with 3M™ Purple Finishing Film Hookit™ Disc PN 30367, P1500 or PN30366 P200 3

    Defect Removal

    For paint finishes that contain minimal dirt defects and a texture that matches adjacent areas, the best way to remove defects is to sand the surface with a dual action sander equipped with the proper abrasive.

  • Hookit disc being attached to sander

    A 3-inch dual action sander is recommended for paint jobs with just a few small dirt defects that need to be removed. This keeps the repair area as small as possible.

  • Sander being used on large surface of a car

    First, locate the paint defect that needs to be removed. Attach a 3-inch 3M™ Purple Finishing Film, Hookit™ P1500 or P2000 grade disc to a 3-inch dual action sander. A soft interface pad is recommended but not required.

  • Cleaning the panel after sanding

    Sand the defect until it is removed.

    When all the defects have been removed, clean the sanding dust off the panel before moving to the next step.

  • Refine micro scratches with 3M™ Trizact

    Scratch Refinement

    In this step you’re refining the sand scratches created by the P1500 or P2000 grade finishing film abrasives in the denibbing and texture matching step.

  • Hookit Foam Abrasive Disc being attached to dual action sander

    For spot repairs, a 3-inch dual action sander is recommended to keep the repair area as small as possible.

  • Water being sprayed on the disc and area before sanding

    Using 3000-grade 3M™ Trizact™ Hookit™ Foam Abrasive Disc on a dual action sander with an interface pad, spray the disc and the surface to be sanded with water using a spray bottle. When using Trizact™ 3000, it is recommended to be used damp not wet.

  • Sander being used on small area of a car

    Sand with medium pressure using 5-6 overlapping passes until a light slurry covers the repair area. Cross-sanding with the dual action sander creates a uniform finish.

  • Cleaning the panel after sanding

    Clean the surface with a microfiber towel and inspect the surface to ensure scratch refinement is complete. Once this initial scratch refinement step with Trizact™ 3000 is complete, you are now ready to move on to further refining the sand scratches in the next step.

  • Refine micro scratches with 3M™ Trizact

    Micro Scratch Refinement

    To obtain the ultimate finish and eliminate the compounding step, scratch refinement with an 8000-grade 3M™ Trizact™ Hookit™ Foam Abrasive Disc is required. With this step you’re refining the sand scratches to the point where you actually begin to “polish” the paint, eliminating the need for compounding, which means no more compound swirl marks.

  • Hookit disc being attached to sander

    For spot repairs, using a 3-inch dual action sander is recommended to keep the repair area as small as possible.

  • Water being sprayed on the disc and area before sanding

    Using Trizact™ 8000 on a dual action sander with an interface pad, spray the disc and the surface to be sanded with water using a spray bottle. When using Trizact™ 8000, it is recommended to be used damp not wet.

  • Sander being used on small area of a car

    Sand with medium pressure using 5-6 overlapping passes until a light slurry covers the repair area.

  • Showing uniform finish created by cross-sanding

    Cross-sanding with the dual action sander creates a uniform finish.

  • Cleaning the panel after sanding

    Clean the surface with a clean microfiber towel and inspect the surface to ensure the scratch refinement is complete. Once this initial scratch refinement is complete, you are now ready to move on to the polishing step.

  • Polish with 3M™ Perfect-It™ 1-Step Finishing Material 33039 32 fl. oz. and Foam Polishing Pad 4


    The most unique aspect of Trizact™ 8000 is that it eliminates the need to use rubbing compound. Your only polishing step is with 3M™ Perfect-It™ 1-Step Finishing Material and the 3M™ Perfect-It™ 1-Step Foam Finishing Pad.

  • Foam finishing pad being attached to polisher

    Attach a purple 4-inch 3M™ Perfect-It™ 1-Step Foam Finishing Pad to a 3-inch polisher.

  • Finishing material being applied to pad

    Apply a small amount of 3M™ Perfect-It™ 1-Step Finishing Material to the pad.

  • Polisher being used on the area

    Polish with medium pressure until desired result is achieved.

  • Cleaning the panel after sanding

    Remove any residual polish off the panel using a clean microfiber cloth and inspect to ensure the finish is perfect. Reapply polish and continue buffing as needed.

Watch: Spot Repair

Product Spotlight

  • image of product family

    3M™ Perfect-It™ 1-Step Paint Finishing System

    Get a deeper, glossier finish without the mess, the stress or the rework of compounding. Our new system features 3M™ Trizact™ abrasive discs and sheets in an extremely fine 8000 grade – the first of its kind in paint finishing. Trizact™ 8000 removes very fine defects in painted surfaces, taking the place of compounding. Follow with our specially formulated 3M™ Perfect-It™ 1-Step Finishing Material and purple 3M™ Perfect-It™ 1-Step Foam Finishing Pad, which deliver the cut of compounding with the fine finish of polishing.